Paying back student loans can take years, if not decades. If a payment is late or missed, the loan may be considered delinquent and late fees will be tacked on. Many graduates find themselves having to put off life commitments and large purchases, like getting married or buying a house, until that debt is paid down.
What We'll Cover
- Federal Student Loan Forgiveness/Restructuring Programs
- Student Loan Relief Programs Available By State
- Student Loan Forgiveness Programs in Alabama
- Student Loan Help in Alaska
- Student Loan Forgiveness Programs in Arizona
- Student Loan Relief Programs in Arkansas
- Student Loan Forgiveness Programs in California
- Student Loan Forgiveness Programs in Colorado
- Student Loan Relief Programs in Connecticut
- Student Loan Help in Delaware
- Student Loan Forgiveness Programs in Florida
- Student Loan Help in Georgia
- Student Loan Relief Programs in Hawaii
- Student Loan Help in Idaho
- Student Loan Forgiveness Programs in Illinois
- Student Loan Relief Programs in Indiana
- Relief Programs for Student Loans in Iowa
- Student Loan Help in Kansas
- Student Loan Forgiveness Programs in Kentucky
- Student Loan Relief Programs in Louisiana
- Student Loan Forgiveness Programs in Maine
- Student Loan Help in Maryland
- Student Loan Relief Programs in Massachusetts
- Student Loan Forgiveness Programs in Michigan
- Student Loan Relief Programs in Minnesota
- Student Loan Forgiveness Programs in Mississippi
- Student Loan Help in Missouri
- Student Loan Relief Programs in Montana
- Student Loan Forgiveness Programs in Nebraska
- Student Loan Help in Nevada
- Student Loan Relief Programs in New Hampshire
- Student Loan Forgiveness Programs in New Jersey
- Student Loan Help in New Mexico
- Student Loan Forgiveness Program in New York State
- Student Loan Relief Programs in North Carolina
- Student Loan Help in North Dakota
- Student Loan Forgiveness Programs in Ohio
- Student Loan Relief Programs in Oklahoma
- Student Loan Help in Oregon
- Student Loan Relief Programs in Pennsylvania
- Student Loan Forgiveness Programs in Rhode Island
- Student Loan Relief Programs in South Carolina
- Student Loan Help in South Dakota
- Student Loan Forgiveness Programs in Tennessee
- Student Loan Relief Programs in Texas
- Student Loan Forgiveness Programs in Utah
- Student Loan Relief Programs in Vermont
- Student Loan Help in Virginia
- Student Loan Forgiveness Programs in Washington
- Student Loan Relief Programs in West Virginia
- Student Loan Help in Wisconsin
- Student Loan Relief Programs in Wyoming
- Student Loan Forgiveness Programs in Washington D.C.
- Credible Refinancing
Luckily, there are federal and state programs available to borrowers for student loan relief, student loan forgiveness, student loan refinance. Let's look at some of those programs and how you can take advantage of them.
Federal Student Loan Forgiveness/Restructuring Programs

In some circumstances or job situations, federal student loans can be canceled, forgiven, or discharged. Federal programs that are currently available to borrowers include:
Teacher Loan Forgiveness
Those who teach full-time in a low-income elementary school, secondary school, or educational service agency for five complete, consecutive academic years may be eligible for loan forgiveness up to $17,500 on Direct Loans or Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) Program loans.
Accommodations may be made for teachers who were unable to complete one of the required years of teaching due to:
- A return to secondary education in a directly related area of study on at least a half-time basis
- The existence of a condition covered under the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA)
- An order to report for active duty as a member of a reserve component of the US Armed Forces for more than 30 days
Additional requirements apply for teachers who are new to the profession.

Public Service Loan Forgiveness
Those employed by the government or not-for-profit organizations may be eligible for loan forgiveness under the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) Program. PSLF will forgive the remaining balance on a Direct Loan after qualifying candidates have made 120 monthly payments on time while working full time for a qualified employer.
Perkins Loan Cancellation and Discharge
Based on employment or volunteer service, all or a portion of a Perkins Loan may be canceled. It can also be canceled, under certain conditions. Perkins Loan Teacher Cancellation is included.
To apply for loan forgiveness, you must contact the financial aid department of the school that made the loan or a designated loan servicer.
Student Loan Relief Programs Available By State

Student loan forgiveness programs are currently funded for residents of 46 states and the District of Columbia.
Student Loan Forgiveness Programs in Alabama
The Alabama Math and Science Teacher Education Program (AMSTEP) offers student loan forgiveness up to $7,500 per year for four years. Administered by the Alabama Commission of Higher Education (ACHE) and Alabama State Board of Education (ALSBE), it was enacted to address the shortage of public school math and science teachers across the state.
Student Loan Help in Alaska
Alaska has the SHARP, Health Care Professions Loan Repayment and Incentive Program. Aimed at clinicians who work in medical facilities that accept Medicare, Medicaid, and uninsured patients, the amount of forgiveness varies based on profession and salary.
Student Loan Forgiveness Programs in Arizona
Arizona has three loan forgiveness programs to service the residents of the state:

- The Primary Care Provider Loan Repayment Program (PCPLRP) and the Rural Private Primary Care Provider Loan Repayment Program (RPPCPLRP) promote the recruitment and retention of health care professionals by providing $6,500 to $20,000 in loan forgiveness per year in exchange for a two-year commitment working in underserved areas of Arizona.
- Joyce Holsey's ALL (Arizona's Legal Legacy) Loan Repayment Assistance Program helps law school graduates enter and remain in public service jobs that address the civil legal needs of the poor.
- The Teacher Loan Forgiveness program helps Arizona students who have completed at least 60 college credit hours in a degree program that is meant to alleviate the shortage of teachers in the state.
Student Loan Relief Programs in Arkansas
The State Teacher Education Program (STEP) assists resident applicants who teach full-time at a public school district in Arkansas in geographic and subject areas that are experiencing a teacher shortage.
The Out-of-State Veterinary Medical Education Loan Repayment Program assists eligible veterinarians who graduated from Mississippi State University College of Veterinary Medicine and who practice food supply veterinary medicine in the State of Arkansas.
Student Loan Forgiveness Programs in California

The State of California currently has three loan forgiveness programs:
- The Steven M. Thompson Physician Corps Loan Repayment Program helps allopathic or osteopathic physicians with outstanding debt when they commit to providing full-time direct patient care in a Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) in California for a minimum of three years.
- The California State Loan Repayment Program repays educational loans up to $50,000 for health professionals who commit to work in public or non-profit facilities in medically underserved areas for a minimum of two years and a maximum of four years.
- The California Dental Association Foundation Student Loan Replacement Grant assists graduates of an American Dental Association accredited dental school within three years of application.
Student Loan Forgiveness Programs in Colorado
Colorado also has three loan forgiveness programs:
- The Colorado Health Service Corps repays qualified student loans up to $90,000 for primary healthcare professionals who agree to work for three years at an approved public or non-profit medical site.
- The University of Denver Sturm College of Law's Loan Repayment Assistance Program (LRAP) benefits graduates who make a commitment to work in the public sector and earn less than $75,000 per year.
- Colorado's Law Loan Repayment Assistance Program provides partial loan repayment for select recipients employed in qualifying public interest positions. LRAP awards may be received for up to five years.
Student Loan Relief Programs in Connecticut

Although Connecticut actually has seven student loan forgiveness programs, only one of them is currently funded by the state. The Minority Teacher Incentive Program awards up to $5,000 to junior and senior minority students enrolled in Connecticut undergraduate education degree programs. Participants who become teachers in the public school system are eligible for loan reimbursement of up to $2,500 a year for a maximum of four years.
Student Loan Help in Delaware
The Delaware State Loan Repayment Program (SLRP) awards up to $100,000 to primary care, dental, and mental health care professionals who work in identified Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs) in the state.
Student Loan Forgiveness Programs in Florida
Florida has two student loan forgiveness programs including the Nursing Student Loan Forgiveness Program (NSLFP) and the Loan Repayment Assistance Program (LRAP) for Lawyers.
The NSLFP awards up to $4,000 per year for up to four years to LPNs, RNs, and ARNPs who seek employment in areas of Florida where critical nursing shortages exist. The LRAP awards up to $5,000 per year to lawyers employed at Florida legal services organizations.
Student Loan Help in Georgia
The Physicians for Rural Areas Assistance Program in Georgia provides up to $25,000 yearly ($100,000 maximum) for the medical education loan debt of physicians who agree to practice medicine full time in a rural county in Georgia.
Student Loan Relief Programs in Hawaii
The Hawaii State Loan Repayment Program (HSLRP) provides assistance in repaying educational loan debt to primary health care providers who work in designated Health Professional Shortage Areas in the state.
Student Loan Help in Idaho
The Idaho State Loan Repayment Program (SLRP) is a multi-discipline loan repayment program aimed at practitioners who work for a non-profit or public entity based in a designated Health Professional Shortage Area.
Student Loan Forgiveness Programs in Illinois

Illinois has four student loan forgiveness programs:
- The Nurse Educator Loan Repayment Program encourages nurse educators to maintain their teaching careers within the state of Illinois.
- The Veterans’ Home Nurse Loan Repayment Program pays eligible educational loans up to $5,000 a year for a maximum of four years as an incentive for nurses to pursue and continue their careers at Illinois veteran's homes.
- The Illinois Teachers Loan Repayment Program benefits talented Illinois students who choose to teach in low-income area schools.
- The John R. Justice Student Loan Repayment Program pays eligible educational loans up to $60,000 for public defenders and prosecutors who agree to remain in their positions for at least three years.
Student Loan Relief Programs in Indiana
The Justice Richard M. Givan Loan Repayment Assistance Program helps law school graduates who choose to work in civil legal aid.
Relief Programs for Student Loans in Iowa
Iowa has six student loan forgiveness programs:
- The Rural Iowa Primary Care Loan Repayment Program provides loan repayment incentives to medical professionals who practice in specified rural Iowa communities for up to five years.
- The Rural Iowa Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner and Physician Assistant Loan Repayment Program assists ARNPs and PAs who practice in specified locations for up to five years.
- The Health Professional Recruitment Program repays loans for Des Moines University's D.O., D.P.T., D.P.M., and P.A. graduates.
- The Iowa Registered Nurse and Nurse Educator Loan Forgiveness Program pays up to 20% of an eligible student loan balance for registered nurses employed in Iowa and nurse educators who teach at eligible Iowa universities or colleges.
- Teach Iowa Scholars assists first-year Iowa teachers who teach in designated shortage areas.
- The Iowa Veterinarian Loan Repayment Program provides loan repayment incentives to individuals who practice in specified locations for up to four years.
Student Loan Help in Kansas
Kansas has three loan repayment programs:
- The Rural Opportunity Zones Student Loan Repayment Program offers student loan repayments up to $15,000.
- The Kansas State Loan Repayment Program provides assistance up to $25,000 per year to health care providers with qualifying educational loans.
- The Kansas Bridging Plan offers loan forgiveness up to $26,000 to Kansas physicians in Family Practice, Pediatrics, and Internal Medicine programs.
Student Loan Forgiveness Programs in Kentucky
The Kentucky State Loan Repayment Program offers tax-free student loan repayment in exchange for a service commitment that will help reduce healthcare workforce shortages in rural and underserved areas throughout the state.

Student Loan Relief Programs in Louisiana
Louisiana offers three student loan forgiveness programs:
- The John R. Justice Student Loan Forgiveness Program offers debt relief to attorneys who are full-time employees of the State of Louisiana, local government, or a non-profit organization representing criminal, juvenile delinquency, and indigent cases.
- The Louisiana State Loan Repayment Program benefits primary care providers in HPSAs.
- The Louisiana Bar Foundation Loan Repayment Assistance Program provides loan repayment assistance of up to $5,000 per year for up to 10 years to members of the Louisiana State Bar Association employed full-time in a public interest position with a gross annual income less than $65,000.
Student Loan Forgiveness Programs in Maine
The state of Maine currently has four loan forgiveness programs:
- Educators for Maine forgives one year's loan amount for each year of return service as a full-time teacher or speech pathologist in an eligible Maine elementary or secondary school.
- Maine Health Professionals Loan Program benefits primary care physicians, general dentists, and veterinarians practicing in designated HCPSAs in the state.
- The Maine Dental Education Loan Repayment Program allows recipients to have all or part of their dental education loans forgiven under certain circumstances.
- Maine Veterinary Medicine Loan Program Forgiveness allows doctors who conclude post-graduate veterinary medical training to cancel all or part of the loan by returning service.

Student Loan Help in Maryland
Maryland has three student loan forgiveness programs:
- The Janet L. Hoffman Loan Assistance Repayment Program provides loan repayment assistance to Maryland residents who earned a degree from a college in Maryland and who provide public service to the state or local government or non-profit agencies.
- The Maryland Dent-Care Loan Assistance Repayment Program provides up to $23,740 per year, over three years to dentists who treat Maryland's most vulnerable populations.
- Through the Maryland Smart Buy Home Buyer Assistance and Forgiveness Program, the State of Maryland provides up to 15% of the purchase price of a home toward outstanding student loans. Buyers must provide at least 5% of the cost for a down payment.
Student Loan Relief Programs in Massachusetts
The Massachusetts Loan Repayment Program for Health Professionals provides up to $50,000 in loan repayment to primary health care professionals in medical, dental, and mental health disciplines.
Student Loan Forgiveness Programs in Michigan
The Michigan State Loan Repayment Program provides loan repayment to graduates of medical, dental, and mental healthcare programs who enter MSLRP service obligations in Health Profession Shortage Areas for two years in not-for-profit health clinics.
The John R. Justice Student Loan Repayment Program provides up to $10, 000 per year for a maximum of $60,000 to federal and state public defenders and state prosecutors who remain employed in public service for at least three years.
Student Loan Relief Programs in Minnesota
Minnesota currently has ten student loan forgiveness programs:
- The Dedicated to Minnesota Dental Loan Repayment Program repays qualified educational loans in exchange for five years of qualifying service.
- The Minnesota Loan Repayment Assistance Program for Law provides loan forgiveness to students who practice law in the public interest.
- The Minnesota State Loan Repayment Program provides up to $20,000 per year for two years to primary care providers practicing in rural and urban HPSAs in Minnesota.
- The Minnesota Dentist Loan Forgiveness Program pays up to $25,000 per year for four years to dental students, residents, or licensed dentists who provide at least 25% of annual patient services to state public program enrollees.
- The Minnesota Rural Pharmacist Loan Forgiveness Program provides up to $16,000 in repayment funds per year for a maximum of four years to pharmacists, residents, and pharmacy students who agree to practice in a designated rural area of Minnesota.
- The Minnesota Allied Health Care or Nurse Faculty Loan Forgiveness Program offers loan repayment help to nursing and allied health care educators.
- The Minnesota Rural Physician Loan Forgiveness Program provides loan forgiveness to physicians who agree to practice in a designated rural area of Minnesota.
- The Minnesota Urban Physician Loan Forgiveness Program provides up to $29,000 per year for four years to primary health care practitioners in underrepresented urban areas of Minnesota.
- The Minnesota Rural Mid Level Practitioner Loan Forgiveness Program provides assistance to nurse practitioners, certified registered nurse anesthetists, certified nurse midwives, physician assistants, and advanced clinical nurse specialists who agree to practice in a designated rural area of Minnesota for at least three years following completion of a residency.
- The Minnesota Long Term Care Nurse Loan Forgiveness Program provides an annual amount of up to $6,000 for up to four years to nursing homes, home care, or long-term care facilities in the state for a minimum of two years.
Student Loan Forgiveness Programs in Mississippi
The Mississippi Teacher Loan Repayment Program assists teachers in paying back their loans if they teach in a Mississippi Critical Teacher Shortage Area and hold an Alternate Route Teaching License.

Student Loan Help in Missouri
Missouri has three student loan forgiveness programs:
- The PRIMO Student Loan Program awards forgivable loans to students pursuing health care training that leads to licensure in Missouri.
- The Missouri Health Professional State Loan Repayment Program awards up to $20,000 in educational loan repayment to health care professionals who practice in a Missouri HPSA.
- The Health Professional Nursing Student Loan Forgiveness Program provides loan forgiveness to recipients through a service obligation.
Student Loan Relief Programs in Montana
The Montana Rural Physician Incentive Program provides up to $100,000 to relieve the educational debts of physicians who practice in rural or medically underserved areas of the state.
Student Loan Forgiveness Programs in Nebraska
The Nebraska Student Loan Repayment Program gives physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, dentists, pharmacists, physical therapists, occupational therapists, clinical psychologists, and mental health professionals up to $40,000 in loan repayment.
Student Loan Help in Nevada
The National Health Service Corps Programs (NHSP) offer loan repayment to physicians who enter the program and engage in full-time clinical practice in an assigned Nevada community.
Student Loan Relief Programs in New Hampshire
The New Hampshire State Loan Repayment Program offers up to $75,000 to health care providers who work in medically underserved areas. The Private Practice Dentists State Loan Repayment Program provides the same amount to private practice dentists located in a Medicaid-defined priority area.
Student Loan Forgiveness Programs in New Jersey
New Jersey offers the John R. Justice Federal Student Loan Redemption Program to eligible public defenders and prosecutors. The Nursing Faculty Loan Redemption Program benefits full-time nursing instructors in the state of New Jersey.
Student Loan Help in New Mexico
The Health Professional Loan Repayment Program provides a maximum of $25,000 per year to practicing health professionals who make a two-year service commitment to full-time employment in a designated medical shortage area in New Mexico. The Public Service Law Loan Repayment Program offers up to $7,500 per year for legal educational loan repayment for attorneys providing public service to low-income or underserved residents of the state.
Student Loan Forgiveness Program in New York State
The State of New York has seven student loan forgiveness programs that are currently fully funded:
- The New York State Loan Forgiveness Program targets New York classroom teachers working in hard to staff areas with loan repayment up to $5,000 per year, for four years.
- The NYS Child Welfare Worker Loan Forgiveness Incentive Program provides up to $10,000 per year for up to five years to individuals who provide direct-care at a New York State-licensed child welfare agency.
- The NYS Young Farmer Loan Forgiveness Incentive Program offers up to $50,000 to college graduates who desire to pursue careers in farming in the state.
- The Nursing Faculty Loan Forgiveness Incentive Program awards up to $50,000 to registered nurses who hold graduate degrees and have taught in the field of nursing.
- The NYS Licensed Social Worker Loan Forgiveness Program provides up to $6,500 annually to licensed social workers employed in critical service areas.
- The NYS District Attorney and Indigent Legal Services Attorney Loan Forgiveness Program offers student loan relief to experienced attorneys employed as a District Attorney, Assistant D.A., or Indigent Legal Services Attorney for at least four years in the State of New York.
- The NYS Get On Your Feet Loan Forgiveness Program provides recent NYC college graduates who are participating in a federal income-driven repayment plan with up to 24 months of student debt relief.
Student Loan Relief Programs in North Carolina
North Carolina has three student debt relief programs:
- The North Carolina State Loan Repayment Program for Mental Health Professionals awards up to $50,000 in educational loan repayment awards to mental health professionals in exchange for a two-year service commitment in a team-based setting that provides comprehensive behavioral health services to rural communities.
- Forgivable Education Loans for Service provides up to $7,000 per year for those seeking undergraduate degrees and up to $14,000 per year for graduate studies to qualified students who are committed to working in critical employment shortage professions in North Carolina.
- The NC LEAF Loan Assistance Repayment Program provides student debt relief to public interest attorneys with limited ability to repay their law school debt.
Student Loan Help in North Dakota
North Dakota is currently one of only two states with no student loan forgiveness programs. Citizens are encouraged to contact their state representatives to remedy this situation.
Student Loan Forgiveness Programs in Ohio
Ohio utilizes the John R. Justice Loan Repayment Program to provide relief to federal and state public defenders and state prosecutors who remain in public service for at least three years.
The Ohio Dentist Loan Repayment Program offers loan repayment for dentists who practice in designated shortage areas, provide dental care to patients regardless of their ability to pay, and who treat Medicaid patients.
Student Loan Relief Programs in Oklahoma
Oklahoma has four loan forgiveness programs:
- The Oklahoma Dental Loan Repayment Program provides a minimum of $25,000 per year to dentists who either teach at the University of Oklahoma College of Dentistry or provide dental care in a shortage area.
- The Physician/Community Match Program provides loan forgiveness up to $50,000 to primary care physicians who repay the loan by working in the community that put up a portion of the money matched by the Oklahoma Physician Manpower Training Commission (PMTC).
- The Oklahoma Physician Assistant Loan Repayment Program offers educational loan repayment help to physician assistants who establish a practice in an Oklahoma community approved by the PMTC.
- The Physician Loan Repayment Program provides up to $200,000 maximum over four years to primary care physicians who establish a practice in an approved community.
Student Loan Help in Oregon
The Healthcare Provider Incentive Program in Oregon provides up to $35,000 per year to qualified health professionals including Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants, Dentists, Dental Hygienists, Pharmacists, Psychiatrists, Licensed Clinical Social Workers, Clinical Psychologists, Licensed Professional Counselors, and Marriage/Family Counselors who commit to working in underserved communities upon graduation.
The Oregon State Bar Loan Repayment Assistance Program pays up to $7,500 for three years to help public service lawyers in the state pay off their educational financial obligations.
Student Loan Relief Programs in Pennsylvania
The Pennsylvania Primary Care Loan Repayment Program provides up to $80,000 in loan forgiveness funds to primary care physicians who commit to serving in medically underserved populations in the state.
The Pennsylvania Bar Foundation-PA IOLTA Loan Repayment Assistance Program helps Pennsylvania Interest on Lawyers' Trust Accounts funded attorneys better manage their student loan debt so that they can remain in public service.

Student Loan Forgiveness Programs in Rhode Island
Rhode Island has three student loan forgiveness programs:
- The Nursing Reward Program offers interest forgiveness on RISLA student loans to RNs employed by a licensed health care facility in Rhode Island.
- The Health Professionals Loan Repayment Program offers education loan repayment assistance to primary care, dental, and mental health professionals who commit to practicing in medically underserved communities in the state.
- The Wavemaker Fellowship provides a financial incentive in the form of a redeemable tax credit of $6,000 maximum for graduate degree holders, up to $4,000 for bachelor's degree holders, and up to $1,000 for associate degree holders.
Student Loan Relief Programs in South Carolina
The Public Interest Law Loan Forgiveness Fund (PILLFF) provides loan repayment assistance to University of South Carolina School of Law graduates who work in public interest law for a minimum of two years.
Student Loan Help in South Dakota
The Delta Dental Loan Repayment for Service Program provides up to $100,000 for dentists who agree to serve a percentage of Medicaid-insured patients in their South Dakota practices.
Student Loan Forgiveness Programs in Tennessee
Tennessee currently has no student loan forgiveness programs. Residents of the state are encouraged to contact their state representatives to make a change in this policy.
Student Loan Relief Programs in Texas
Texas has five student loan forgiveness programs:
- The Teach for Texas Loan Repayment Assistance Program offers a maximum of $2,500 to education graduates who agree to teach in an underserved area.
- The Texas Student Loan Repayment Assistance Program provides up to $4,800 annually to attorneys who pursue careers in legal aid in Texas.
- The Educational Loan Repayment Program for Attorneys provides up to $18,000 in aid to recruit and retain attorneys in the State of Texas Office of the Attorney General.
- The Physician Education Loan Repayment Program pays up to $160,000 over four years in loan repayment funds in exchange for four consecutive years of service in a federally designated HPSA, a Texas Juvenile Justice Department owned or contracted secure correctional facility, or a Texas Department of Criminal Justice owned or contracted secure correctional facility.
- The Nursing Faculty Loan Repayment Assistance Program provides up to $7,000 yearly to nurses who are qualified to teach at eligible institutions of higher education.
Student Loan Forgiveness Programs in Utah
The Utah State Legislature has discontinued funding for student debt relief.
Student Loan Relief Programs in Vermont
Vermont currently has two available programs for student debt fund forgiveness:
- The Vermont Educational Loan Repayment Program for Healthcare Professionals provides up to $20,000 yearly to primary care NPs, PAs, psychiatric NPs, certified nurse midwives, primary care physicians, dentists, and nurse educators.
- The Vermont Bar Foundation Loan Repayment Assistance Program provides up to $5,000 yearly licensed attorneys employed by the Office of the Defender General or non-profit organizations that serve the legal needs of the underprivileged.
Student Loan Help in Virginia
Virginia currently has three student debt forgiveness programs:
- The Virginia Loan Repayment Program provides a non-taxed incentive to qualified medical, dental, pharmaceutical, and behavioral health professionals in return for a minimum of two years of service in an HPSA.
- The Virginia Loan Forgiveness Program for Law School helps to repay the educational loans of University of Virginia Law School graduates who earn below a certain threshold while employed in public service.
- The LSC Herbert S. Garten Loan Repayment Assistance Program provides forgivable loans to attorneys employed by LSC-funded legal services programs.
Student Loan Forgiveness Programs in Washington
The Health Professional Loan Repayment Program awards up to $35,000 per year for two years to healthcare graduates who commit to serving in rural or underserved urban communities for those two years.
Student Loan Relief Programs in West Virginia
The State Loan Forgiveness Program provides up to $90,000 in repayment assistance to primary care physicians, nurse practitioners, dentists, physician assistants, and nurse midwives in exchange for a two-year commitment working in an HPSA in West Virginia.
Student Loan Help in Wisconsin
The Wisconsin Health Professionals Loan Assistance Program provides up to $50,000 healthcare professionals (physicians, dentists, psychiatrists, physician assistants, dental hygienists, certified nurse midwives, and nurse practitioners) who agree to provide services for three years in a rural or underserved urban community.
Student Loan Relief Programs in Wyoming
Wyoming officially has two student debt forgiveness programs, but neither of them is currently funded. They are the Wyoming Veterinary Loan Repayment Program and the Wyoming Healthcare Professional Loan Repayment Program.
Student Loan Forgiveness Programs in Washington D.C.
The DC Health Professional Loan Repayment Program (HPLRP) provides loan repayment funds to eligible providers practicing in HPLRP-certified service obligation sites for two- to four-year contracts. The District of Columbia Bar Foundation Loan Repayment Assistance Program provides educational debt assistance to qualified attorneys who provide legal assistance to low-income DC residents.
Credible Refinancing
Even if you don't qualify for any of the aforementioned programs on the federal or local levels, there is still student loan relief available. Credible Refinancing offers solutions for student loan refinance with a variety of competitive options so you can quit worrying about how to pay off your loans and get back to living your life.

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